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15 Questions To Help You Find Your Purpose

Do you want to find your life purpose? Do you trust that you are in this world for a reason? Would you like to live a life that you really love? If you answered “yes” to these questions, you are in the right place and at the right time since in this article I will share a test to find your life purpose through 15 questions.

The importance of discovering your life purpose

What is the point of discovering the reason why you are in this world?

According to a statistic from the consulting firm Deloitte, 80% of people do not enjoy their work. In other words, most people spend 8 hours a day working to fulfill someone else’s dreams, while abandoning their own.

How would you feel in 30 or 40 years if everything you worked for, despite having provided you with the money you need to live, did not fully fill you?

There is nothing that gives human beings more fulfillment than living a life with intention , that is, living the life you WANT to live and not the one that touched you. Live with the certainty that there is a why and why you do what you do. Knowing that there is a reason why you open your eyes every morning. Trust that your actions respond to a greater motive than yourself.

If you are reading this because you consider that your existence is not a simple or mere chance. And I congratulate you for this because when you understand this, you stop having a passive role and go on to take a proactive one where you are the one who creates the reality that you are called to live and you become the conductor of your own history.

Knowing your life purpose will allow you to:

  • Set priorities and say NO to the things that take you away from the life you want to live and the person you are destined to become.
  • Live each day with fullness and satisfaction.
  • Regain control of your life and live a purposeful life .
  • There is nothing as powerful as a focused life, a purposeful life. The men and women who have made the biggest difference in history were the most focused. – Rick Warren

Also, having a life purpose determines the attitude you face each day because there is a reason stronger than any excuse, pretext or challenge. –If you have already read one of the most important books of the last century, “ Man’s Search for Meaning ”, by the Austrian psychiatrist Viktor Frankl, you will know what I mean:

“Man can be taken away from everything except one thing, the last of human freedoms, the choice of personal attitude to a set of circumstances, to decide his own path. And it is precisely this inner freedom that no one can take away from us, the one that gives existence an intention and a meaning . ” – Frankl, 1946

This book by Viktor Frankl recounts how the few survivors of the Nazi concentration camps were those who had a reason or purpose strong enough to carry on despite the inhumane conditions they suffered at the time.

The purpose of life is not found, it is built

Don’t worry if you haven’t discovered your life purpose yet. It is completely normal because no one is born knowing it.

There is a quote from Mark Twain that says:

“The most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you discover why you were born” –Mark Twain

But there is something very important to clarify: your purpose is not going to occur to you like that out of nowhere or you will suddenly find it as if it were a “moment of enlightenment”. No, unfortunately it doesn’t work that way. Finding your life purpose is a process that mainly involves 3 aspects:

  • Self-knowledge
  • Introspection
  • Reflection

The questions that I am going to share with you will contemplate these 3 aspects and for this reason I am sure that, just as they have worked for me and the people with whom I have shared it, they will also help you.

So do not be frustrated if your purpose does not reach you the first time, as I said, it is something that takes time and is built as you accumulate more life experiences and identify what you like the most, what you do best, what you can charge and what you can offer to the world.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

How to find your life purpose?

The self – knowledge is the basis for discovering your life purpose. You need to know yourself like no one else. One of the best ways to get in touch with our own being is through introspection and reflection.

It is something like writing a journal but the difference is that beyond simply documenting your day to day, through journaling we ask ourselves key questions that make us think, reflect and get to know ourselves at a deeper level in order to get to our own conclusions.

If you want to give yourself a soak about what journaling focused on self-knowledge is, you can check this article in which I explain in more detail how to practice it to feel better about yourself, get to know yourself at a deeper level and unleash your full potential in various ways. areas of life.

Today we are going to find something that you love and that is an extension of who you are well , let me tell you, there should not be a difference between what you ARE and what you DO.

Discovering your purpose with the Ikigai method

Before we move on to the practical part, I would like you to know the origin of the first 4 questions of this test that are based on the Japanese concept known as “Ikigai” and whose diagram encompasses the main aspects to discover your life purpose.

I explain it better here:

  • What you are good at doing and what you can get paid is your PROFESSION.
  • What you are good at doing and what you love is your PASSION.
  • What the world needs and what they can pay you is your VOCATION.
  • What you love and what the world needs from you is your MISSION.

Your Ikigai or reason for being is right in the very center and is the mixture of these 4 things. Therefore, the idea is to find something that you love, that you are good at, that you can be paid for, and that the world needs.

Now for the good part!
This test considers, of course, these 4 questions, but I also complemented it with other questions that I have taken from various authors, coaches and experts in the field of personal growth such as Simon Sinek, Rob Dial, Prince EA and Rorro Échavez.

6 Key considerations for the test to work

Pause for a pen and notebook. Come on, I’ll wait for you here ??

For the following questions to really help you discover your purpose, it is very important that you ensure that each of the following questions is met :

  • Write the answers by hand. Yes, old-fashioned. Believe it or not, writing with your own handwriting has been shown to work better to organize ideas, have greater clarity and remember information better. It is simply a MUST of good journaling .
  • Answer each question as a brainstorming g, brainstorming all the possible answers that come to mind.
  • Don’t overthink it to answer because there are NO right or wrong answers. Let everything flow of how natural and spontaneous .
  • Pay more attention to what your heart and intuition say . Try to silence reason as much as possible.
  • Avoid all kinds of interruptions and distractions. Find yourself a quiet and quiet place.
  • Allow at least 90 minutes to calmly and conscientiously answer each question.

Test: 15 Questions to Find Your Life Purpose

Do you already have a pen and notebook to write down? Great!

Now, close your eyes, relax, and take 10 deep breaths.

Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth …

Go disconnecting from the earrings of the day and relax little by little.

Clever? Very good! Now, start jotting down the answer to these questions:

1. What do you like to do?

Brainstorm and write:

  • What makes you happy.
  • What you love
  • What you are passionate about.
  • What you enjoy doing.
  • What you do in your spare time.
  • That which makes you lose track of time as much as you enjoy it.
  • What you could do for fun and without getting paid.

Take at least 10 minutes to answer this question.

2. What are you good at?

Now, brainstorm all those things or activities that you are good at doing or are very good at. Consider your:

  • Skills
  • Talents
  • Qualities
  • Capabilities
  • Gifts

Take at least 10 minutes to answer this question.

Something that can help you find more of your qualities is asking a good friend or relative what they think are your greatest strengths.

Imagine that I am going to send you to a contest today and I give you to choose what you are going to compete in so that you do not look so bad and defend yourself. What would you choose? A writing contest, a sports competition, an art competition …? This question also helps you spot your strong areas.

3. What can you charge?

Think about the abilities, skills and activities for which you could get paid or earn money.

You can take a look at what you put in point 2 and see what of that you could sell or offer as a service.

Spend at least another 10 minutes answering this question.

4. What do you think is lacking in the world and that you could do your bit?

Now let’s think about how you could direct your talents, gifts, and abilities toward the common good. Consider the following:

What current situations or problems break your heart?
How could you use your gifts, abilities, and skills to help others or solve a current problem?
How would you like to impact the world or make this world a better place?

5. What moments, both positive and negative, have marked your life?
Think of all the positive moments from when you were a child until today. Those that you remember with a smile on your face and that move your heart because of the great meaning they had for you.

Then, think about the negative moments now : What are those life stories that have marked a before and after in your life?

6. What did you learn from each of these moments?

About the good and bad moments that you identified in the previous question, answer:

  • What impact did they have on you?
  • What learnings or experiences did each one leave you?
  • What values and beliefs emerged from these key moments?

All this I see scoring because both good and bad moments always leave us something.

7. What did you want to be when you were little?

When you were little or little, what did you want to be?

Now let’s take a step back: what was it that you admired about that profession? Why did it attract your attention when you were a child? What was behind it?

One Hoolie Mama