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3 easy ways to make your house smell better


It’s the beginning of March and I don’t know about you, but my thoughts are turning toward Spring. I’m looking forward to the weather being warmer, the flowers starting to bloom, and the time change. One of the things that I’m not entirely looking forward to is spring cleaning. This month I’ll be sharing quick and easy tips to help you make your home smell better, look better, and feel better. Today’s 3 easy tips will help you make your house smell better.

3 easy ways to make your house smell better

1) Start by opening the windows. After months of keeping everything buttoned up, fresh air does a world of good. Last weekend we enjoyed some upper 60s and lower 70s temperatures and I was thrilled to be able to get fresh air flowing through the house.

2) Wash out your trash cans. Even if you stay on top of emptying your trash cans, plastic trash cans quickly absorb the odors from the trash they hold. The next time you empty the garbage can, take a few minutes to clean it with hot water mixed with a little bleach, and then let it sit out in the sun to dry.

3) Add a pretty scent (a candle, flowers, diffuse oils). Once you’ve added fresh air and gotten rid of some of the odors, it’s time to add a scent that makes you happy. If you’re an essential oil user, diffuse your favorite oil. If you prefer candles, light one that smells lovely. If you prefer not to have too many scents in your house, just buy a bunch of flowers – they don’t have to be expensive. I enjoy checking out the $5-per-bunch bin at my local grocery store.

What’s your favorite scent? What tips and tricks do you have to help your house smell better? Do you have any suggestions that help get rid of the smell of dogs?

One Hoolie Mama