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Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in the Caribbean

There are thirteen island countries, each with its particularities, where you can aim as a destination to obtain good results regardless of whether you come to establish yourself to start over or to retire with the guarantee of leading your life peacefully.

Please see below our assessments of the advantages and disadvantages associated with life in the Caribbean Islands, and take into account that beyond its attractions as a tourist and vacation destination, living in the Caribbean will result very attractive as well.

Advantages of living in the Caribbean

The first great advantage that you should note in favor of the Caribbean is how well foreigners are usually received. Being almost all these countries owners of a great tourist vocation, the least you are going to worry about is feeling some kind of rejection by its inhabitants. The data is even more attractive when we see the historical links of all these countries with Spain, and of course, with the rest of the South American nations.

Another advantage that does not go unnoticed is the pleasant climate in this part of the world. Whichever destination you choose to move to the Caribbean, you are guaranteed to enjoy a mild tropical climate throughout the year. In the same way, practically in none of the islands are you exposed to the effects of industrialization, which is little or none in most of them.

Being one of the areas with the highest movement of tourists in the world throughout the year, the job opportunities in that area are many. Apart from being an excellent source of job creation for people of all ages, the arrival of tourists from all over lends itself to increasing your income by selling everything you can think of.

With all this, you will feel that in the Caribbean there is no room for boredom, and you also have in front of you one of the richest cuisines on the planet. You also have the advantage of consuming products fresh from the sea, since fishing is one of the bases of the economy of the Caribbean countries.

Disadvantages of life in the Caribbean

It is impossible to deny that living near the beach is something very pleasant, but in the Caribbean area this leaves you exposed to real risks and at the mercy of the whims of nature. It is no secret to anyone that each hurricane season comes with more force than the previous one, with all that this means for the tranquility of the inhabitants of all the Caribbean countries.

Something you should be prepared for is that going to the Caribbean for a vacation is not the same as moving to live on one of the islands in its geography. Keep in mind that it is common to see these countries located at the bottom of the table in terms of human development, purchasing power and poverty levels.

But in general terms, the Caribbean countries are a great expatriation destination, given the warmth and cheerful character of its people, and where the advantages far outweigh any inconvenience. After all, we all know that perfection does not exist, and rather each one can and should be proactive when it comes to improving living conditions wherever we find ourselves.

One Hoolie Mama