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Simple To Do Crafts For Father's Day

Simple and inexpensive ideas to create easy crafts for parents. If you want to keep the children entertained, take advantage of the weekend to do some of these crafts to surprise dad, some can be done with recycled objects that you have at home

Hat For The Best Chef

Surely Dad loves to cook, so we are going to give him a beautiful French-style Chef’s Hat. A very fun hat to make and above all very easy. Let’s see how it’s done.

Necessary Materials

  • 5 sheets of white paper
  • Transparent tape
  • Pencil
  • Rule
  • Pair of scissors

How Do You Do It

First Step: To begin we have to divide a sheet of paper vertically, that is, lengthwise and into three parts. Once the three parts have been marked, we cut each of the strips by the fold. The result will be three equal pieces.

Second Step: We join each of the strips with tape to get a long strip. This strip will be the band that will rest on the forehead.

Third Step: Now we place the remaining leaves two by two with the same distribution that appears in the image above.

Step Four: Now we have to join the four sheets with tape, so we will get a single larger sheet.

Fifth Step: Right in the center of the sheet, we make a circle of approximately 18 cm. To make the circle, we first have to draw the diameter with the ruler (18 cm).

Sixth Step: Now we have to draw the lines of the hat, to do so we will draw lines that start from the circle and reach the edge of the sheet, as seen in the drawing.

Seventh Step: We cut out the lines that we have drawn, starting from the outside we will cut until we reach the central circle.

Eighth Step: We measure the child’s head for this we will use the strip that we created at the beginning, the long strip. We close the strip around the head with tape and trim the excess.

Ninth Step: We take the hat and make groups of three into three strips, raising them up, as seen in the photo above.

Tenth Step: We join the strips three by three inside the band that we have adjusted to the head and then glue the strips three by three inside the band. We will carry out this step with the rest of the strips, without forgetting that we must take them in groups of three.

Eleventh Step: It is about reinforcing the inside of the hat using all the zeal that is necessary.

The result is this that we see in the image above, a real chef’s hat for a very special chef.

Photo Holder For Father’s Day

If you want to give dad a frame with your photo on a day as special as Father’s Day, you will see how simple and fast you can do it, just follow our steps and have fun.

Necessary Material

  • Paperboard
  • Finger paint or waxes
  • Permanent marker
  • Scissors and / or cutter
  • Cool photos

How Do You Do It

Before starting it is recommended that mom is pending and if necessary, help us. It is also convenient that we cover the table with plastic and put an apron on the little ones, so we will prevent them from staining. Now we begin.

First Step: We take the cardboard and cut it to the desired size. Then we take the waxes or finger paints and let our little one unfold all his imagination. They will be able to choose and paint all the cardboard with the colors that they like the most.

Second Step: We let the paint dry, once the little ones have finished their color combination. Once dry, we will take the permanent marker and write on the jumble of colors, the word DAD. To do this, we will try to make the letters thick because in their holes we will have to insert the photos of the little one.

Third Step: We cut the photos to the size of the holes in the letters. To make this craft, we will first scan or print the photos on paper or cardboard, so we don’t destroy any original photos.

Step Four: Now we have to stick it on the back of the cardboard, where there is no paint. We will always be careful that the photo we paste matches the hole in the letters.

Fifth Step: We take a cord or a piece of wool and glue it to the back of the frame, if we want to hang it. If we want it as a desktop, we can stick a piece of cardboard on the back so that the frame is held only.

And we already have our gift, a personalized photo frame.

Trophy For The Best Dad

Dad is sure to love receiving a gift from this category. The recognition of their children for the best dad, it is a trophy that the little ones can make, always with the help of mom. Let’s see what materials we are going to need.

Necessary Material

  • Recycled plastic bottles
  • Yogurt containers
  • Pair of scissors
  • Hot glue gun
  • Tweezers
  • Paper
  • Wallpaper glue or white glue
  • Acrylic gold paint
  • Brushes

How Do You Do It

First Step: We will take the plastic bottle and very carefully, cut it in half. To carry out this step we must have the help of mom.

Second Step: Once the bottle is cut, we place it upside down, resting the mouth of the bottle on the yogurt cups and again, with the help of mother, we glue them with silicone.

Third Step: We cut some thin strips from the remains of the bottle that we have cut, these pieces will be the handles of our trophy.

Later and helped by the hot silicone, we glue them to both ends of the bottle. We use clothespins to put pressure on the handle.

Fourth Step: We cut pieces of paper and we are covering the bottle and the handle with the paper soaked in the white glue. To give the final touch and once the glue has dried, we paint the bottle with gold paint, so that the trophy shines as if it were gold.

We let it dry, and we finish our trophy. It only remains to give it to dad with a big kiss.

Cards For Father’s Day

A craft for Father’s Day that is very fun, children enjoy, -with that of painting their hands and leaving a footprint.

Necessary Material

  • You need a card of the color you prefer. The short folio size
  • Two or three color paints (tempera or watercolor works)
  • Some stick glue
  • A little bit of glitter
  • A marker
  • A brush
  • card for dad

How Do You Do It

Cut the folio-size cardstock (which we will fold to make the card).
With a brush, paint the child’s hands well, one of each color. The palms of the hand should be well covered with paint.

We have what will be the open card (the folded cardboard) on one side of the card we support one hand, and on the other the other hand of another color. The two hands will be printed.
Then with a marker we put a message like ‘Happy Father’s Day’, or ‘You are the best dad’, we add the date. With a little glue stick we draw some lines on the cardboard and sprinkle a little glitter. You already have a dad card ready.

Recycled Pencil Holder For Father’s Day

A practical and original pencil holder for Father’s Day, sure that Dad will find it great for his office or worktable. The materials are few and very cheap. To do this craft you need the help of an adult at first since they will have to cut a plastic bottle in half by inserting a cutter and then with scissors. This should always be done by an adult, do not leave cutters near children as they are very sharp and dangerous?).

Necessary Material

  • A plastic bottle, soft drinks bottle or whatever you have at home
  • A cutter
  • Pair of scissors
  • Colored nail polish
  • Masking tape or tape decorated washi tape (which you can find in stationeries, in craft stores or online). Washi tape is a rice paper adhesive tape of Japanese origin. Very useful in crafts, you can use it to decorate books, cards, mirrors, furniture. It is easy to cut, paste and remove. Choose a drawing of your father’s favorite color that is masculine (this is without flowers or a doll).

How Do You Do It

We start by gluing the decorated adhesive tape around the edge of the bottle that we have cut. In this way we avoid cutting ourselves with the edge. You are placing the tape leaving it on a little above to stick on the inside, and you will see how the simple plastic bottle is already looking like something else. Trick to avoid that when gluing the washi tape we get wrinkles, we make small cuts at the top and we are folding and gluing the tape along the edge of the bottle that will serve as a pencil holder.

Then you only have to use the nail polish to make a drawing, it can be using a ruler, paint small stripes, or you can use something square or round to create geometric figures with the polish.

Candy Jar For Father’s Day

Now an easy craft for very sweet Father’s Day …

Necessary Material

  • A glass jar that you have at home with its lid
  • A golden or white lace next to the cardboard tray (the kind that go with the cardboard trays – where canapés or cakes are put). You can find them in bazaar-type stores, and there are gold, white and silver. Sale for less than $2
    Candies, or chocolates, or dumplings of chocolates, or Lacasitos, or gummies. You can use some of these things that are showy inside a glass jar.
  • A piece of checkered satin bow (or plain if you have one at home). A piece of fabric that you have (serves as flowers, stripes etc)
  • A marker
  • Double-sided adhesive tape (also in bazaars)
  • Easy Father’s Day Crafts

How Do You Do It

First on the golden or white lace we draw a circle. It is cut (if you have scissors of these that cut in a zig-zag better, if not you cut it round). In that circle then we will write something for dad.

We cut a long strip of about 4 cm from the cardboard tray that comes with the lace. We fold it in half and then we fold it little by little, it will remain like a kind of ‘accordion’. Measure the size of the lid of the jar and cut out. We make a circle with the already folded cardboard. Using double clear tape, we glue it well to the lid of the jar.

Now we are going to decorate the pot. We cut out a piece of fabric and with the double-sided tape we glue it to the boat. We glue two pieces of bow and on these two pieces the circle of lace.

Now with a marker we will write inside the circle a message for dad, such as ‘Congratulations dad’, ‘You are the best dad’ or whatever comes to mind.
Ahh, now you have to fill the jar with chocolates, candies or Lacasitos.

Paperweight For Father’s Day

Easy And Charming At The Same Time.

Necessary Material

  • A stone to be able to be rounded (like the boulders these from the beaches) or any stone of a not very large size that you like.
  • Transparent contact glue
  • A photo of the child that you photocopied (or a drawing made by the child)
  • Chalk (can be white or colored)
  • A little bit of glitter

How Do You Do It

The stone must be washed well with water and any remaining dirt removed. Let it dry. Then with the chalk some lines are made on the stone, and with a kitchen paper they are blurred. In this way the stone is more beautiful.

Now we cut out the photo or drawing of the child. With a little contact glue we apply on the stone and fix the photo. Next to it can be put with chalk ‘For Dad’ or similar.
Now we apply a few small dots of glue and sprinkle glitter. We let it dry.

One Hoolie Mama