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What is the best musical instrument for a child?

If you are thinking about your child playing a musical instrument, it is a good idea to keep a few things in mind …

All musical instruments are great for a child’s learning. Find out which ones might have the most affinity for your child to calm, stimulate, and channel their energies into productive activities like this one. To find out this, ask yourself the question: “What musical instrument is best for my child?

A musical instrument can develop different capacities in a child. Some of these are related to the development of attention and concentration, self-control and sensitivity. Additionally, it is ideal for exercising memory and helping to develop patience and tolerance.

In addition, some specialized studies indicate that music favors the learning of some chairs such as: mathematics and history. It also provides knowledge about ethical values, enriching language and contributing in the same way to intellectual, affective and psychomotor development.

Things to keep in mind about the musical instrument

To keep in mind that, to get the ideal musical instrument for your child, you must take into account some specific characteristics of the little one in the house. Some of these considerations are:

  • Age
  • Motor maturity
  • Concentration level
  • Simplicity level
  • Musical instrument difficulty
  • Its size

Also, musical instruments belong to four great families: wind, string, keyboard and percussion. Therefore, your child will have a wide variety of instrument alternatives to choose from.

It is very important that you do not impose the learning of any instrument because it is to your liking. This is so because it would be completely counterproductive. It could cause total rejection for all topics related to music in general.

Choose the best musical instrument

  • Then, depending on the age and motor maturity, you will be able to evaluate the interest shown by the little one with respect to the instrument. Here is some relevant information that will help you in this task:
  • Wind instruments can favor little ones from 2 to 5 years old. To channel the breath and calm the great energy that characterizes them. A recommended wind instrument for your child could be the recorder. This one is best for its versatility and pleasant sound. Its convenient size makes it easy to take it anywhere.
  • The percussion instruments will come in handy for children of all ages. Although they can be a bit noisy while learning. Playing this type of instrument can be complex due to the rhythm and coordination it requires.
  • Drumming can be perfect for hyperactive, energetic, and shy kids . Due to the physical effort they require to be touched. Among these we can mention: the drums, drum, timpani, etc.
  •  Keyed instruments such as the piano, organ, and accordion are ideal for children over 5 years of age. The sizes of these instruments may require certain body dimensions and their level of complexity is considered intermediate.
  •  String instruments such as: the cuatro, the guitar, the violin and the mandolin. They can be practiced by children of any age. These instruments are very versatile, they come in different sizes and require a certain level of concentration to press the strings.

Some recommendations to choose the best instrument

Some instruments can be somewhat expensive, for that reason the care that must be taken to the musical instrument should be taught at home. Once they acquire the instrument, you can assign small tasks to your child to take responsibility. Some of these tasks are:

  • Cleaning
  • Place it delicately in its case
  • Take it to the place where it is safely kept when not in use

If your child is under 5 years old, it is better to buy an instrument that is not very expensive since it can break it accidentally. Remind your child that practice and perseverance are the secrets to achieving good results. Positive and motivational messages will build your confidence. In addition, it will avoid discouragement, frustration and child stress.

Tuition Books

Piano : It is one of the most common in beginners. Some experts say that learning to play the piano opens the doors for you to play other instruments. There is a wide variety of piano books for kids available in market from where your child can learn to play piano.

Guitar : Although getting to grips with the strings and finger positions may seem difficult at first, but once the child has mastered the technique it opens up a world of musical possibilities. It is undoubtedly the star instrument of pop culture and mastering the simplest chords can be quite motivating for children and young people when they can actually play their favorite songs.

Saxophone : It is one of the most attractive instruments for children. Its shape and sound attracts a lot of attention. As soon as your child has mastered the mouth technique, the rest should come soon enough after that.

Clarinet : It is one of the most demanded instruments in music bands, so children will be able to integrate into a group easily and this may motivate them. The clarinet sound is clear and very pleasant. In addition, its tonal range is very wide, which can open up a whole field of musical possibilities.

Percussion : Drums, timpani, drums … are some of the funniest instruments for children. They are very attractive because the basic technique is very simple, almost instinctive. But complexity takes a long time to perfect. It is one of the instruments that requires more hours of rehearsal at home and perhaps disturbing the neighbors can be a problem. But some instruments such as drums can be found electric and we can listen to them with headphones.

The possibilities are many when it comes to choosing an instrument and these are just a few examples. Remember that the more motivated children are when it comes to learning, the easier it will be to instill a passion for music. Try talking to someone who already knows how to play or to a teacher. And above all, do not despair if they get bored, do not consider them impossible, sometimes this type of learning is a matter of trial and error. It is very common that you start with an instrument and lose interest, so it is a good idea to explore the second-hand market and not invest too much money at the beginning.


One Hoolie Mama